Friday, September 29, 2017

Keep holy the sabbath day

In today’s post, we will move from discussing commandments that deal with our relationship with our fellow man to discussing the three Commandments that deal directly with our relationship to God.    They are the first three Commandments given by God, and therefore, the first three listed when the Decalogue is officially posted anywhere.  Why are they the first?  It is simple; we must love God first before we can love our fellow man correctly.   If our love for fellow man is not rooted in our love for God, then it is bound to fail, or at least fall short of what they deserve.

The Third Commandment is,

Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day.

Well, I have some good news for you all.   This post will be very short!  The reason why is because I have spoken at length already about the Lord's Day.  Here are the links to the two posts I made on this topic:

In these posts, I not only draw on matter from the Catechism, but also from Saint John Paul II’s apostolic letter, “Dies Domini”.

Keeping holy the Lord’s day, as you can see from the post titles above, is about worship of God, and rest from daily work.  It is not a day of doing nothing.  It is a day of remembering what God has done for us.  It is a day where we gaze on God, and his creation, which includes both the world of nature, and our fellow man.   It is a day to build relationship and solidarity with God and our neighbor.  Finally, although it is indeed a day of rest from creative work, it can be a day of works of mercy, where we not so much create, as we do in our day to day work, as much as love.

This Commandment is a gift from God to us. When we return that gift by worshiping him, and gazing on his creation, doing what he wishes us to do on Sundays, then we will be blessed beyond measure.

So, read the posts above for more information on the Lord’s Day, and let us remember to give God the time he deserves each and every day, but especially, on His day.

Joseph, protector of Holy Church, pray for us.

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