Friday, August 28, 2015

The Holy Father

Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, is a lighting rod for controversy right now, both inside and outside the Church.  Some in the Church feel he is not standing up enough for traditional Catholic teaching, and are petitioning him to make clearer statements about Church teaching.  I count myself among the latter who would like him to make more of those kind of statements.  Many on the other hand, both in and outside the Church,  feel that he is a breath of fresh air, someone who has a more "open" mind, someone who might, at minimum, change the way the Church does things, and maybe even more, change some of what She teaches.  Out of that latter group, some are disappointed he has not gone further, and spoken more on changing things in the Church, like for example, allowing priests to marry, being more open to alternative lifestyles, and allowing women a greater role in Church governance, maybe even ordaining them.   It seems that everyone has an opinion on the 265th Successor of Saint Peter, who he is, and the job he is doing.   I guess this blog is now entering that foray.

There is something called the World Meeting for Families that is coming up in Philadelphia, a gathering of Catholic families, and there is hope on the part of some that out of that meeting, might come an encouragement on the part of some for change in Church teaching and practice for things like divorce and remarriage without needing to get an annulment, or blessing upon homosexual unions.  The Holy Father will be present for that meeting.  He will be taking his experience at that meeting with him back to Rome, where in October, there will be a Synod on the Family.  A synod is basically a convocation of Bishops from all over the world to discuss a matter of concern in the life of the Church.  After that synod, the Holy Father will then issue an Apostolic Exhortation, a teaching on family life.  
There is a lot of anxiety about that meeting in Philadelphia coming up.  At the Shrine, we have been praying almost daily for it, and there is one celebrant who, when he does the petitions, always includes the petition that the meeting will celebrate marriage as a union of one man and one woman, almost as if there is a concern that it will not.  There have been concerns raised that some of the organizers and leaders have ties to pro-abortion or pro-homosexual groups.
There is also concern about the upcoming Synod in Rome.   There have been reports of high level Cardinals trying to propose alternative ways of doing things that would suggest change in Church teaching on marriage, divorce, and remarriage.

There is a lot of anxiety in the Church these days, in my opinion, and it is justified to an extent.

Here is what I will say now on this matter. 
The Holy Father needs our prayers.  He needs them bad.  He needs our love.  He needs warriors to help him fight for the Church.  He needs the protection of all the angels, all the saints.  He needs the help of the Church Triumphant in Heaven, and the Church Militant here on Earth.  We cannot, as some Traditionalists in the Church have, run away from him.  We should not publically criticize him. 
We rather, need to do the opposite.  We need to run to him.  We need to embrace him.  We need to let him know that we stand with him as he guides the Church.   He is Peter, the Rock.  Our Lord built His Church on Peter.   

The Papacy is an office no man should seek, because it is an impossible job to do.  The spiritual and physical stress must be enormous, to carry the weight of the entire Church before God.   If anyone does seek it, that should disqualify him.  I am sure Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina did not come to the Conclave seeking to be Pope.  I feel the weight of the office is very heavy on him, and he may not be seeing all the dangers that lurk around him.   He desperately needs our prayers.

Holy Father, we love you.  May Saint Joseph, the patron of the Universal Church, guide you as you make decisions that will guide the Church through these turbulent times.  May you be the best teacher of the Faith you can be, both by word and example.   May Saint Michael, whom we believe works with Saint Joseph to guard the Church, guard and protect you from the evils within and outside the Church.

Joseph, protector of Holy Church, pray for us.   Help us remain in union in love and intense, deep prayer, with and for Our Holy Father.

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