Sunday, August 2, 2015

Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Joseph; partners in protecting the Church

Saint Joseph is the patron and protector of the universal Church.  Saint Michael the Archangel (pictured in this statue from the Shrine) is the guardian.   I think they work together and know each other well, in my humble opinion.   I imagine Michael standing guard over the door to the Church and fighting to keep the evil out of it.  I imagine Joseph overseeing the entire Church, and when he sees Michael standing at its door ready to slay the dragon when he tries to enter , it gives him confidence that the Church he loves will persevere and even thrive despite the challenges She faces.
In addition to protecting the Church as a whole, Michael is also known as someone who protects each individual member of the Church from those same forces of evil.   Hence, the popular prayer to Saint Michael

Saint Michael the Archangel
Defend us in battle
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil
May God rebuke him we humbly pray
And do thou O Prince of the heavenly host
By the power of God
Cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls, amen

Parents, say this prayer over your children every night as they fall asleep.   Children, say this over your parents, especially during their final days as they get ready to meet the Lord.  We need to say this prayer every day.
Authentic Christians, who seek to live their Faith , know it is a battle we fight, and when we need to fight a battle, we need angelic powers there to protect us, and the best of those is Saint Michael.     We battle against our own personal sin first and foremost.   We battle against a culture that has forgotten or ignores God.   We battle against a culture that devalues human life.  We battle against a culture that refuses to acknowledge sin, and often, promotes it as a good.  We battle, above all, to stay holy in the midst of a culture that seeks to promote the profane and desecrate the sacred.  To persevere in and win these battles for ourselves and for the Bride of Christ, we need to call on Saint Michael and we need to call on Saint Joseph.

Joseph, most strong, terror of demons, and protector of Holy Church, pray for us.

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