Thursday, June 8, 2017

The 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit, revisited

We continue to bask in the joy of Pentecost!  In fact, this week is traditionally known as the Octave of Pentecost, though it is not formally celebrated as such in the new liturgical calendar.  However, votive Masses to the Holy Spirit are still encouraged this week.

Last year around Pentecost, I did a post on the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit, and thought I would repost them here, with a few additional details. 

Now in the series of posts we just concluded, we discussed the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit.  These 12 fruits are the effects of those 7 gifts.  As the Catechism says in paragraph 1832, the fruits of the Spirit are "perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory."   The list is based on Paul's letter to the Galatians, specifically 5:22-23.

Here they are:

1) Charity  Loving God above all else, with that love overflowing into love of neighbor, with no expectation of anything in return from either God or neighbor
2) Joy  The awareness of God's infinite goodness in our will (even if we don't always feel it)
3) Peace  Result of joy, we have a sense of our soul being ordered to God as it ought to be, leading to right order, tranquility, trusting in God, not disturbed by externals
4) Patience Ability to endure evil around us, the disagreeable, and the imperfections of others  (because we know we are imperfect ourselves and need God's mercy and goodness)
5) Longanimity (or long-suffering Being able to wait long periods of time for good to come to us, and remain faithful while doing so, even if the opposite of good (evil) is directed at us
6) Goodness  Wanting to do good to our neighbor without distinction, and take a delight in it, becoming delightful ourselves, produces kindness
7) Kindness (or benignity) Acting for (not just willing)  the good of people no matter what they do, treating others like we want to be treated, going above and beyond for the other
8) Meekness (or gentleness)  Exerting power and strength under control, a calm temperament; practicing forgiveness and understanding, controlling the effects of anger, being gracious, not vengeful,
9) Faithfulness  (or faith)  Loyalty to the good, above all to God, the Faith, and the Church, but also to our spouses, loved ones, and other noble goods, being trustworthy and reliable, being certain of what to believe and how to live
10) Modesty  Moderation in external actions (speech, action, and dress), refusing to unveil things that should remain hidden, being measured, humble, acknowledging that everything is a gift from God
11) Continence (or self-control)   Steadfastness in doing what is right, directing thoughts and actions so that one's will corresponds with God's will, right reason and the common good
12) Chastity  Moderation and control of the physical appetites, not controlled by emotions when faced with temptation

We will not do a separate post on each of these fruits, as we did with the gifts, as I think the above explanations are thorough enough for our purposes at this time.  I may in the future devote a post to one or more of them, we shall see!

When we think of Saint Joseph, can we not see a man whose life bore all these fruits? 

Can we see these fruits in our lives?  There should at least be a desire to experience them, even if we may not be experiencing them at the current moment.  If we have no desire for them, we are spiritually listless, or on life support, or dead at worst, and need to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Can we see them in others?  People who do are the kind of people we should want to grow in friendship with, or establish a working relationship with, or at least develop some sort of connection with.  If a person whom we are considering developing any sort of relationship with (friendship, marriage, work)  does not bear these fruits, we should be cautious before proceeding too far into that relationship. 

Let us continue to pray for, and dispose ourselves to receive, the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, so we may experience all 12 of these wonderful fruits of that same great Holy Spirit!

Joseph, most chaste and most faithful, pray for us.

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