Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Protecting the most vulnerable as Joseph did

Today a second video was released that was a result of undercover work done by a pro-life organization.  It showed a person at Planned Parenthood reportedly putting a price tag in the form of a fancy car, on the work of extracting and transporting parts from aborted fetuses.  This is in addition to the video from last week that shows another Planned Parenthood employee discussing ever so casually the gruesome process of how they extract parts of a fetus to use for "research".  Both of these videos are very disturbing, and should not be shown to young children.  Adults, though, need to see them.  (I was a junior high teacher for a short period of time, and I remember one day showing a video about abortion, and my students were horrified by what they saw.   They had no idea what was involved.  That day, they were "shocked" into being pro-life.   I respect those who may disagree with the approach, but I did it, and quite frankly, have not lost any sleep over that. )

We talk a lot about different societal issues these days.  We talk about racism, sexism, homophobia, class warfare, the environment, and fascism.  All of these are important issues to discuss.   However, I think these videos shows us (and they say there are more videos coming, by the way) is that underneath all these issues is a more fundamental issue; the lack of respect for human life.  Imagine, for a second, if we got rid of racism, sexism, homophobia, class warfare, fascism, and we made the environment clean, but things like what are going on in this video still were, would we say we were a better society?  I, for one, would certainly not.
However, that will not be the case, I guarantee you.  Until we get more respect for human life in this country, at all stages, from conception until natural death, then all those aforementioned problems will continue to exist, mark my words.  Think of it this way: if we think a baby in the womb can be discarded, an innocent thing who has done nothing wrong, then why do we think we can treat people of color, people of sexual orientation, the opposite gender, or poor people with any dignity?  Babies are the most vulnerable among us.   If we cannot treat the most vulnerable among us with dignity, then these other "vulnerable" groups stand no chance.

In the litany to Saint Joseph, one of the lines is " Joseph, diligent protector of Christ, pray for us."  Saint Joseph guarded Our Lord when He was most vulnerable as an infant, both before and after His birth.  He is a model for us how to take care of those most vulnerable.  Let us be more like him.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.

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