Friday, July 31, 2015

Litany to Saint Joseph

A Catholic litany is a prayer consisting of a series of invocations and supplications to a key figure in Salvation history, be it a person of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mother, or a Saint.  It is designed to be read or sung by a leader  and the people respond to each invocation or supplication with a set response.  However, it can be prayed privately, as well. 
The litany to Saint Joseph was approved by Pope Saint Pius X in 1909.   As is customary with all Church-approved litanies, it begins with petitions to the Holy Trinity, followed by one addressed to the Blessed Virgin. The petitions to Joseph follow after.
Saying litanies are useful for petitions, of course, and we hope that God hears and answers them.  However, saying litanies often give us other side benefits which often, can be equally or more important than the petitions we express.   Litanies help us learn about key central figures in Salvation history and our own life of faith.  They help us learn about the virtues.   They help us reflect on our own personhood and see what we should be aspiring to as persons who wish to be Saints.  They allow us to enter into a time of meditation and communion with the Lord, sort of like how saying the decades of the Rosary do.

By asking Saint Joseph to plead with the Father for our sake,  his spiritual influence will be drawn down on the world today and in our own lives.  We will receive the Divine graces and blessings we need.  We will also learn about the many noble qualities of Joseph, and the different roles he played in the life of Our Lord, and still does in the Church.  Joseph has many qualities we should seek to emulate.  Saying this Litany often will help us do just that.  I pray that saying this Litany to Saint Joseph regularly allows you to become friends with this Saint. Of course, when one becomes friends with a Saint, he or she becomes friends of God, because, after all, that is what a Saint is.

Lord, have mercy.
 Christ, have mercy.
 Lord, have mercy.
Jesus, hear us.  God, the Father of Heaven,
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God, the Holy Spirit,
Holy Trinity, One God,
Holy Mary,
St. Joseph,
Renowned offspring of David,
Light of Patriarchs,
Spouse of the Mother of God,
Chaste guardian of the Virgin,
Foster father of the Son of God,
Diligent protector of Christ,
Head of the Holy Family,
Joseph most just,
Joseph most chaste,
Joseph most prudent,
Joseph most strong,
Joseph most obedient,
Joseph most faithful,
Mirror of patience,
Lover of poverty,
Model of artisans,
Glory of home life,
Guardian of virgins,
Pillar of families,
Solace of the wretched,
Hope of the sick,
Patron of the dying,
Terror of demons,
Protector of Holy Church,
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world. He made him the lord of his household.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, graciously hear us.

Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.
pray for us.

spare us, O Lord.

graciously hear us, O Lord.

And prince over all his possessions.
Let us pray, ---  O God, in your ineffable providence you were pleased to choose Blessed Joseph to be the spouse of your most holy Mother; grant, we beg you, that we may be worthy to have him for our intercessor in heaven whom on earth we venerate as our Protector: You who live and reign forever and ever.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.

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