Monday, June 13, 2016

Taking a stand

It is time to take a stand. We need to say things that may not be popular, but we cannot be silent anymore.  Indeed, the world, our lives, but more importantly, our eternal salvation may be at risk, if we do not start taking what might be unpopular stands.

Here are my unpopular stands for tonight:

Islam is a false, man-made religion, not from God.  

Christianity, with the fullness of it being expressed in the Catholic Church, unlike Islam, is a true religion, because it is from God.  

The world is the way it is today, and these tragedies are happening, because false religion is growing, while true religion is receeding.

It is not simply a matter of waging a war against "radical" or "militant" Islam.  It is a matter of converting more people, Muslims and everyone else, to the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, Jesus Christ, who founded One True Church, for the salvation of mankind.

When we say that, people may try to throw stones at us, and say, "Hey, there are violent passages in the Bible, too."    I would respond, "Show me any violent passage in the Bible, and I will show you how it is historically conditioned, and limited to one time and place.   Show me any violent passages in the Quran, and/or any other sacred book for Muslims, and for the most part, you will see they are instructions for believers of all times and places."

I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”  (Quran 8:12) 

Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'" (Bukhari 84:57)

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are ruthless to the Unbelievers, but merciful to each other.” (Quran 48:29)

These, and many other passages, are in the Quran, and other sacred books of Islam, and they have NO conditions on them in time or place.  It is not logically possible for someone to say that believe in the Quran, and that their religion is one of peace.

There are many others, but you get the gist.    The Quran and other Islamic texts encourage believers to kill anyone who does not believe in what they do.   What we call "militant" or "radical" Islam is actually quite mainstream, if you actually look at the sacred texts of that religion.  There is no way such a religion, that goes against all reason, morality, and beauty, could have originated from God.

I hate to write things like this, but I cannot stay silent any more.   Saying we have to wage war against "radical" or "militant" Islam sounds like a strong, noble thing to do, to try to save lives.  However, I propose that the solution to this problem, if there is one, is not about politics or war, it is about conversion; conversion of ourselves, conversion of our fellow Catholics, conversion of all Christians, conversion of Muslims, conversion of gay people, conversion of straight people, and conversion of people of all religions and no religion, to a deeper relationship, or beginning a new relationship, with Jesus Christ, who founded One True Church, the Catholic Church, for the salvation of all mankind. 

When the Church starts growing again, the world will begin to turn around.  As long as the Church continues to dwindle in size,  and find itself in irrelevancy almost, the world will continue down the spiral it is going, and more events like this will keep happening.   We need to redicate ourselves to Christ and His Church, and through our words and deeds, inspire others to return to Him , or perhaps turn to Him for the first time, and come to know Him, whose "yoke is easy and ..burden is light"  (Matthew 11:30)

If you are reading this, and are not Catholic, please take a look at the Church.  She will point you to the most beautiful man ever walk to the face of the Earth,  Jesus Christ, and you will fall in love with Him, as He is with you.  Your life will never be the same, those around you will never be the same, and as more and more people do this, eventually, the world will never be the same.
If you are reading this, and are Catholic, please get on your knees, turn to the sweet and gentle Jesus for forgiveness for not living the Faith as fully as you should, and then stand up, begin to live it, be proud of it, and begin to change the world!

One of the titles of Saint Joseph in the litany to him is "Diligent protector of Christ".  Joseph took it upon himself to save Our Lord from Herod when Herod massacred so many innocent children out of a paranoid fear of losing his throne.  Joseph knew about tragedy. Today, we need him more than ever in his role as protector, to help protect the Body of Christ, which is the Church. 

Joseph, diligent protector of Christ, and protector of Holy Church, pray for us.

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