Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sins against the theological virtues

We have spoken recently on the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and love.  These are infused virtues from God that dispose us to live the Trinitarian life.  We have spoken about how the gifts of the Holy Spirit can help us to live these virtues, as well as the human ones.
If the Spirit helps us to live these virtues, what is it that hurts us, or hinders us, from living them? The answer is sin.  The Catechism says in paragraph 1849 and 1850. "Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God, and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods...sin is an offense against God."  We have spoken already of the difference between the two degrees of sin, mortal and venial.  However, there are also different kinds of sin.   For this post, we will focus on the sins against the three theological virtues.

The following are sins against the virtue of faith.

1) Voluntary doubt  refusal to hold true what God has revealed and the Church proposes for belief (i.e. I refuse to believe what the Church teaches about the Real Presence.)
2) Involuntary doubt  hesitation in believing, difficulty or anxiety in the face of objections to the faith  (i.e. I struggle to believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, it seems to fly in the face of the perceived senses, and so many Christians do not believe that.)
3) Incredulity neglect of revealed truth or the willful refusal to assent to it  (i.e. It is preposterous that that small wafer is the Body and Blood of Christ.)
4) Heresy post-Baptismal denial of some truth of the Faith, or obstinate doubt concerning the same (i.e.  teaching that the Eucharist is merely a symbol of Christ, and not His Real Presence)
5) Apostasy total repudiation of the Christian faith
6) Schism refusal to submit to the authority of the Holy Father

The following are sins against the virtue of hope.

7) Despair  not believing one can be saved
8) Presumption believing we can save ourselves, or that God will save us no matter what we do or believe

The following are sins against the virtue of charity.

9) Indifference  neglect or refusal to consider the goodness and power of God's love
10) Ingratitude refusal to acknowledge and return God's love
11) Lukewarmness  hesitation or negligence in responding to divine love
12) Acedia  refusal of the joy that comes from God
13) Hatred of God  the opposite of love of God, as a result of pride

How appropriate there are 13 sins against the theological virtues.

If you have not developed a spiritual life, these sins may not seem relevant to you like other "earthly" sins do.  For example, greed, avarice, lust, anger, strife, jealousy, selfishness, and others, may seem to be more prevalent in your life, and in the world, than the sins we spoke of just now.  However, these sins we have spoken of tonight, even though they are not talked about as much as these other more well known ones, are even more deadly, because they strike right at the heart of our ability to enter the Divine Life, which is our goal and destiny.  If we fail to enter into Divine Life, we will wind up in hell.  So, we can be naturally good all we want, but without the grace of God in the theological virtues, we cannot enter Divine Life.  And if we commit these sins against the theological virtues, then no matter how hard we work to avoid other sins, we will ultimately lose the battle.

Let's implore the Holy Spirit to give us the strength to avoid these sins.  If we do commit them, let us turn to the Father who is rich in Mercy, for forgiveness and reconciliation, so we can begin now, and for all eternity,  to experience the ultimate joy available to all, life in the Blessed Trinity.

Joseph most faithful, pray for us.

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