Friday, March 25, 2016

Don't mess with my wife and kids!

In the United States Presidential election recently, one of the candidates felt his wife was being threatened by another candidate.   He got mad and said, " It's not easy to (expletive) me off. I don't get angry often.  But you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids, that'll do it every time."

I wonder if Our Lord sometimes has similar thoughts about the attacks against His Bride, His Holy Catholic Church, and His children!   I wonder if He gets angry when He hears, for example:

-Attacks from all sides against His Vicar, his representative on Earth, the earthly head of the Church!
-Attacks against His and Her Blessed Mother, who carried Him, and raised Him, and whom is now the Mother of the Church!
-Attacks against His and Her Magisterium, the teaching office of His Bishops, whom  He gave authority to teach and preach in His name!
-Attacks against the Eucharist, His Real Presence!
-Attacks against His and Her Priests, the "other Christs" on Earth, whom he gave authority to forgive sins and sanctify His people!
-Attacks against His and Her Children, the little children whom he beckons "come to me", whom are often abused, and sometimes, not being given the chance to live because they are aborted!

Yes, I can see Our Lord standing there, and while perhaps not pointing a finger,  I can imagine Him looking straight at Her enemies, and saying " You will not mock My Bride!   You will not mock Her beauty! She is My jewel, My diamond, My precious one ! I gave my life for Her!   In My eyes, She is without stain or wrinkle.   The gates of hell shall never prevail over Her, and neither shall you!   If you continue to assault Her, and do not repent, you will go where there is whaling and gnashing of teeth for all eternity!  Yes, in My Bride, the Church, is My Kingdom, which will go on forever and ever! No one who insults Her will have a place in that Kingdom.  Rather, like those at the king's feast who did not have wedding garments , they will be cast out! I will not let Her fall. She may struggle, She may suffer, but She will always be victorious in the end!  She will be a blessing to everyone who embraces and cherishes Her. Her radiance will shine like the noonday sun!  Nobody attacks or insults MY bride! When you mess with Her, you must deal with Me!   And all of the above holds ESPECIALLY true for anyone who attacks Our children!"
This may not be the typical image one has of Our Blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yes, He is merciful. Yes, He is full of love, mercy, and grace for all whom are willing to receive it.  At the same time, however, He is a true man, in all His perfection.   He is a lover.  He is a jealous God.  His Sacred Humanity will never fail to stand up for His love when She is in danger, or being threatened. 
This is a warning for those who try to attack or ridicule His Bride. 
Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, pray for us.

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