Sunday, January 24, 2016


Friends, as you may have noticed, the name of this blog has changed.  I have begun doing more work directly with the Shrine, and in an effort to ensure that there is absolutely no inference that the opinions and views expressed in this blog are necessarily reflective of the views of the staff of Saint Joseph the Worker Shrine in Lowell, MA, I have decided to change the name of the blog to make it more personal, and less directly associated with the Shrine.

The Shrine now has a Facebook page that I am helping develop, and I encourage you to like it, so you can become familiar with all that is going on at the Shrine, and in the local and universal Church, as well.   On the Facebook page, you will find interesting information on events at the Shrine, causes that are important to the staff at the Shrine, the Year of Mercy, and information about Catholicism in general.

This year 2016 is a special year at the Shrine in several ways.  First, as I have stated, it is a center of Mercy during this Jubilee of Mercy.  Secondly, it is the 200th anniversary (tomorrow actually) of the founding of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate who staff the Shrine.  Finally, it is the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the church as a Shrine.
A "shrine", according to code 1320 in Canon Law, "means a church or other sacred place which, with the approval of the local Ordinary, is by reason of special devotion frequented by the faithful as pilgrims. "   A shrine is distinct from a parish because it is visited frequently by people for different reasons, not just because people live close to it.  (A shrine, unlike a parish, has no "boundaries".)  In other words, there is something special about it that sets it apart from the typical parish. 
In the case of Saint Joseph the Worker Shrine, one can see many things that set it apart.  There is the three times daily Mass, and twice daily Confessions.  There is the numerous statues with corresponding votive candles.   There is the book store.  There is the Oblate museum.    I am sure different people could give you different reasons why the Shrine is special to them.

The Shrine is making an effort to get itself and its message known to a greater audience through social media.  I am a small part of that effort.   I want to ensure that my blog in no way causes confusion or at worst, hinders that mission.  Therefore, I am making the name change out of respect to the good people there, and the mission of the Shrine.

I love the Church.   I love the Shrine.  I love where the Lord has led me at this point in my life.  My life is not perfect, but I consider myself blessed in many ways.  First and foremost is the gift of my Catholic Faith, which is the greatest gift any man or woman could hope for.  Second, is the gift of my family and friends.  Third, is my job.  Finally, being able to live in Lowell, and regularly attend the Shrine, and now beginning to get to know some of the people there, is a gift that I am tremendously grateful for.

I look forward to continuing to speak on the Year of Mercy as it goes on.   The Shrine, with the position of being able to hold frequent public times for Reconciliation and Eucharist, is a privileged place this year to receive Mercy.   This year will hold a lot of spiritual fruit for me, I pray, with all the wonderful things going on there this year that I just spoke of.  I pray that through this blog, and through my life in general, that if I am graced enough to receive spiritual fruit, that you dear readers and friends, will be sharers in that, and even take most of it.

So, even though the name of the blog will no longer bear the name of the Shrine, or the name of its patron, I pray that the same Spirit that has given this blog life continues to work through its very imperfect author, and through the intercession of Saint Joseph, and bear fruit for many souls.

Saint Joseph, pray for me, and pray for all the readers of this blog.

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