Sunday, November 8, 2015

Praise the Lord, my soul

I am very fortunate where I live that I can walk to Mass.   It is a beautiful day here in Lowell, a day that the Lord has made!  I thought of that as I walked to the house of the Lord today.  Then, what I got in to His house, I found out, again, that He is pretty incredible!  Did we hear what the Psalmist said today? Check out all the things he said today that the Lord has done and continues to do.

-He keeps faith forever  (we may forget or give up on him, but He never does on us)
-He secures justice for the oppressed (in His Kingdom, all is right and just, and that Kingdom is here, inaugurated by Christ, and it will come to be all in all in due time)
-He gives food to the hungry  (again, in His Kingdom, all are fed and nourished; if we learn to trust in Him, we will never be dissatisfied)
-He sets captives free (when we abide with the Lord, no person or no thing of this world can chain us)
-He gives sight to the blind (being in a relationship with the Lord allows us to see things that we might not otherwise, we see how He is acting in our lives, in the world, and in the Church)
-He raises up those who were bowed down (kneeling, prostrating ourselves before Him in the Blessed Sacrament, and just being poor in spirit, will allow us to be raised up with Him into His glory, as Jesus was on the Cross)
-He loves the just (if we respect others, give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and God what is God's, we will have the peace of His love ever in our hearts)
-He protects the strangers (those in this world whom no one knows, either because they are humble, and/or because others choose not to learn about them, are especially loved and protected by God)
-He sustains the fatherless and the widow (the Lord can make up for the absence of a father figure in our lives because He is the ultimate Father, our Heavenly Father)
-He thwarts the way of the wicked (in His Kingdom, the wicked do get punished; it may not seem that to be the case, but that is looking at things from an earthly perspective only; remember, His Kingdom, while unseen usually, is real and growing)
-He shall reign forever (He is the King who will never give up His throne, and all the baptized can share in that reign because through Baptism, we share in His victory over sin and death)

Wow, what a God!  There is no better response than what we said today at Mass for the Responsorial Psalm,  "Praise the Lord, my soul!"   Why don't we try saying that everyday?

Joseph, most just, pray for us.

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